Here you can find all our blog posts about web directory submissions, SEO and interesting Google news. Guest blog posts are welcome. If you are interested, please send us a message here.
Web Directory Submission Tips

Although the process of actually submitting your web pages to various web directories can be quite straightforward, without requiring more than a few minutes, you can gain a lot more traffic and even make more sales by making sure you’ve submitted your site the “right” way.
Google’s Warning to Affiliate Sites

Although the practice of posting scraped or spun content has been going on for quite a while, Google is determined to end affiliate marketers’ practice of making easy money off someone else’s efforts.
Avoid Auto Approve Directories

While auto approve web directories can get your site out there faster, there are some very important concerns raised by SEO experts with regard to their efficiency in providing quality backlinks.
Matt Cutts on Guest Blogging

While having started out as a legitimate practice among both unknown bloggers trying to gain more recognition for their work and website owners looking to find fresh new content for their onsite blogs, guest blogging has taken a tremendous hit in recent years as a result of spamming practices.